26 Apr2021May 22, 2021
Fun Activities (Scissor Skills) book

Fun Activities (Scissor Skills) book

This fun activities book will help your child in the development of fine motor skills and cognitive skills. Our objective here is to develop child’s ability to hold & use scissors as well as increase their creativity & imagination.

Free Downloadable Preview

We are publishing a preview on Fun Activities book, where you can download and print few pages for free. Please click link below for free download, you would need to login (via Facebook …

21 Dec2020December 21, 2020

Christmas – Fun Activity Printable Worksheets | SCISSOR SKILLS & COLOURING

This Christmas let’s keep our child busy with something very creative & festive at the same time. During holidays keep your child engaging with fun learning activity sheets. These sheets not only have cutting, pasting, colouring but also fun learning with fun facts & little rhymes.

Login First & then click link below to download free printables

Link -Christmas fun activity worksheets

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Email us at raisoactive[at]gmail.com if you face any issue downloading …

28 Nov2020December 10, 2020
Pattern Writing (pre-writing skills) book for 3-4 year old

Pattern Writing (pre-writing skills) book for 3-4 year old

This book is an excellent start to prepare for school. First step to start child’s kindergarten journey is pre-writing skills. Our objective here is to help develop child’s ability to hold & use pencil. The creative tracing exercises will improve fine motor skills which enable child’s ability to draw, colour, copy & write, which is very important for early learning.

Free Downloadable Preview

We are publishing a preview on pre-writing skills book, where you can …